
Danish lies

When Clinton and Sanders spoke about Denmark, they showed that they didn't really know anything

There are no such thing as “Danes for Trump”

Today is electionday over in the United States. I don’t vote for any of the two candidates because I am a Dane. They both know very little about our country.

Rotsne's Blog

I have too much respect for the ordinary American citizen to tell them who to vote on. So you will not get me to tell you to vote for either Clinton or Trump.

I fail to understand why people are so angry that there are violence at election meetings. We are living in a democracy. We don’t have to like what others are saying but we should let them talk and then if we disagree speak out against them. Verbal debate, verbal battle if you like.


That was what Denmark did during our proudest hour when we launched the cartoon war. We exercised our freedom of speech and damaged the morale among the terrorists who were behind 9/11. All the faceless supporters who backed those 20 criminals who committed the terrible act.

I don’t believe the present suggestions that we should ban certain false…

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Ordinary people pushed out of work, replaced with people paid for by the government

In a growing number of articles, ordinary Danes express worries that they will lose their jobs and they will be replaced with people the government will pay for calling it “Job-training”.

Fact is that it is happening every day. Especially after the large number of immigrants came to the country, ordinary people working keeping the public areas in order are fired and replaced with people where the salary is paid by the state.

One of these people is a woman who works in Roskilde. She recently saw one of her co-workers replaced by a person in the so-called jobtraining.

At miste troen på vores system (In Danish – unfortunately)

Mubashrah Saddiqa is a threat for the Danish society but is she a criminal

Job-training is never good for anyone. It is a system where you replace people fully paid for people forced to work for nothing. It is unfair competition. I don’t understand why other countries allow Denmark to do that.

Rotsne's Blog

Mubashrah Saddiqa analyses big data but at the same time, she is a threat to the Danish society. The reason is that she is paid 2.000 euros per month for her work.

Every year thousands of Danish candidates leave Danish universities with the clock ticking. Once they graduate, they have to start paying off student loans. They have exactly 12 months to get the job they will serve in for their rest of their lives until retirement before the next batch of candidates enter the job market with a more updated education. Do they not get a job before those 12 months their entire time in the education sector has been wasted. Then they would have been better off not having taken more than the basic 9 years of education in the first place.

Therefore, Mubashrah Saddiqa is blocking this job position and she is doing it for a salary…

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Yes, I work with international transport but I am against the European Union

Even business men can grow a conscience. Buniess across borders hurt our country and endangers people on the streets with all these drivers from the eastern part of Europe who can enter our country legally and work in dangerous ways.

Søren Hansens blog

I work in the transport business. As a professional I am for the European Union but as a private citizen I am against. It sounds strange. But the fact is that I suffer from a lot of self-hatred. I am not pleased letting imbicile lorry drivers drive on Danish roads. They are often drunks who should drink themselves to death in Hungary, Bulgaria or whatever gutter we drag them up from before we put them behind 18 wheels making them a danger of the road just because they are cheaper than Danish drivers.

I try to tell myself that money don’t smell. I try to tell myself that if it is safe with the European Union to make road more dangerous just to the free movement of labour is upheld is acceptable. But I know that I am lying.

The sad truth is that the superelite politicians who run Europe…

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Feeding the stray cats

There are something about it. They cannot become productive citizens in Denmark. They can only rob jobs from poor Danes.

Rotsne's Blog

As Danes we should care when people in need of a peaceful place come to us and I have no problems paying for that. We will find places for them to live and we will feed them until they can return to the places they came from.

However I fear that even the peace and service we offer can become a burden not only to our society but also for the refugees.

Because the question will be: What should they do with their lives once they have settled here in Denmark?

I am afraid that their only option is to wait until they can return even if it proves to be for the rest of their lives. Will anyone be able to live an entire life without activity? Without goals in life? Without ambitions for themselves or even their children?

I cannot imagine that.

But that is the reality they…

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Police abuse in Denmark – yes

Danish politicians can be cruel. It is something they often learn serving as public servicemen because ordinary Danes working in private business are too busy to go into politics and they also know that it can hurt their business as both Glistrup and Klaus Riskaer Pedersen learned the hard way.

Søren Hansens blog

Normally you think about black dudes being gunned down when we are talking about police violence. In Denmark it takes a lot more quiet nature. In Denmark police often ruin ordinary people by crippling them financially

One of these stories you can read on a website of a longtime respected business man who left the business world after having been victim of a certain police Willy Eliasen. As a small time assistent in the police he built an entire career on a pointless case against the business which ended in nothing without it having any inpact on his career. Then he introduced himself in politics. First we was mayor in Stenlose near Copenhagen which was a bitter period where he clashed with people in the town council. Then he lost the election to members of his own party. He used his connection in the party to get the Mayor and…

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Denmark has no safe housing left for people

Tent camps and dangerous houses are the only option left for people in need. A lot of immigrants learned that they had to live in tents when they came to Denmark. Some are sent to housing previous closed down by the authorities like the “Kindergarten of Death” in Oestykke over at Sealand.

Kindergarten of Death

A decade ago a boy died because the sewerage in the area is broken down 40 years after it was constructed. No money are left in Denmark to fix that so rats and other pests ran all over the playground the small children played on. At some point one of boys became ill and died. The parents were asked to let their children get a vaccine against hepatitis if they want to let their children attend the kindergarten.

Years later parts of the kindergarten burned after some kids were playing with matches. Now the houses left will house immigrants but the sewerage problems are still very urgent in the area. How many will die?

Migrants come to Denmark too and it has become a problem (C. Eskildsen Research Center)

Danish economy is hurt every day due to speed traps

The police now has 100 cars for their speed traps. When the present government took office they promised to abolish mobile speed traps and install stationary speed traps nears schools and other places where the soft people in the traffic needed protection.

But then of course moving the speed traps around where there is a lot of traffic instead of where the walking and biking people needs protection makes more money, so instead of stopping this they just purchased more cars.

So more and more Danes just give up. They don’t want to drive to work risking their private economy. Jobs are moved abroad. The danish firm Oticon moved a lot of the production to Poland where the speed fines are nothing and there is no control. Sweden did a spot check at the ferries to Poland and they found a lot of drunk drivers and lorries which didn’t had breaks working properly.

Poorly maintained cars and lorries are not something the speed traps can discover. The traffic safety is poor when a lot of persons from abroad drives around in Denmark.

We should close our borders and check the people entering Denmark trying to drive on our roads. We will properly discover like they did in Sweden that many of the persons never should be allowed to drive in Denmark.

Sadly that is of no concern to our politicians. They only think about the money they can steal from Danes driving to work.

Danish schools are for rich people

Ordinary tax-paying citizens face difficulties getting an education. As one of the first countries in the world Denmark has made it harder to get a high school exam. In fact the Danish parliament has made an effort to get people right out in jobs after only 9 years of education instead of letting them spent 3 years in high school.

To add to this tragedy some schools have even been closed down.

Another blogger writes:

Well it has been a while. I am still working in a bar. My education has been put on hold. Knightsbridge University has been forced to close due to bureaucrats over in Copenhagen who wants to keep higher education for the selected few.

So we parents pay taxes and now they cannot even allow our children to spent 3 years in high school to get a diploma! Who cares that they are not using the diploma for anything afterwards. Why not allow them this single success in life?

I am still here (Karl Johanson)

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